Adult Education


Talmud Chabad of Lakeview offers fascinating adult Jewish education classes that are a cut above the ordinary. You've never learned Torah like this before...


No matter your background of affiliation, if you're curious about observing more mitzvot or simply seeking a better understanding of Jewish culture and tradition, we have the place for you. Choose from an ever growing range of programs designed to offer serious Jewish learning. Our programs meet all levels and are presented at a comfortable pace.

Current Classes:



Sunday BLT (Bagels, Lox, Torah/Teffilin)


Join us every Sunday to study and discuss relevant ideas through the lens of Torah and Judaism (taken from the Parsha and current Jewish holidays) - over a delicious lox & bagel (and more!) breakfast.   

Start your week with nourishment for your body and soul.

Where: Chabad Lounge - 3011 N Broadway (Between Barry & Wellington) 
When: 1:30 BLT (bagels, lox, Teffilin*) 1:45-230: Torah Class



Tuesday Morning Parsha Torah Studies:



Spend your Tuesday Mornings nourishing your mind as well as your body with an enriching class for Women.

This popular class with Rebbetzin Chanie Hertz includes study of the weekly Torah portion spiced with mystical interpretations, discussion and practical timely lessons inspired by the Torah portion. Each class is self contained; you won't fall behind if you miss a session.



Click Here for more details and to sign up.





Tuesday Evening JLI Course -


In Strength and Struggle we unlock the secrets of great character by exploring some of the most dramatic narratives and inspiring personalities in all of history. Set in the midst of our nation’s formative years, an era in which our ancestors fought to carve out a civilization among hostile neighbors, these thrilling tales of judges, kings, and prophets reach into the essence of the human condition. Their heroes and antiheroes teach us eternal lessons of struggle and triumph, courage and humility, hope and resilience. 
Join us Six Tuesdays 
Beginning May 17   
Location:  Chabad Lounge - 3011 N Broadway
Click Here for more details and to sign up

Email  [email protected] or call (773) 973-6386 for more info or to sign up to any of our courses!


Want to learn a different topic? Contact us to schedule a one on one with Rabbi Dovid or Devorah Leah