
Simchat Torah in Lakeview

  • We prayed and fasted, now's the time celebrate like never before!

    AWESOME Buffet - Deluxe Kiddush - Amazing L’chaims!

    Don't miss out on the best holiday of the year!

    Eat, sing, drink and dance the night away in celebration of the Torah. The festive time of Shmini Atzeres/Simchos Torah is spent in joyous celebration as we mark the conclusion of the holiday of Sukkos and the reading of the Torah and honor our eternal tradition.

    Attention families: The main celebration for kids with a fun children's program, games, prizes and more will be held on Sunday from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. (We will begin dancing with the Torah around 11:45 am (after the Marathon is cleared up and will allow all to attend).

    There will also be a special childrens program on at the Hakafot on Friday night (The Israeli style Hakafot).

    Join us for Hakafos and Simchat Torah in Lakeview:

    Chabad will be hosting all the holiday meals. You are welcome to join every one of them!

    1: Israeli~Chabad Hakafot on Friday evening: October 6  beginning at 6:30 pm (Shimini Atzeres). 
    (Chabad holds hakafot on both evenings of Simchat Torah).

    2: Shabbat morning: October 7, regular shabbat & holiday morning services at 9:30am, Yizkor at 11:30 am followed by Kiddush.

    3: Main Simchat Torah Hakafot on Saturday evening: October 7 beginning at 7:30pm (Simchat Torah evening - main celebration).

    4: Simchat Torah day Hakafot + completion of the Torah & children's Aliya on Sunday morning: October 8, Services at 10:00 am followed by breakfast brunch at 11:00am. Dancing with Torah approx 11:45 am Followed by the reading of the end of the Torah, children Aliya to the Torah around 12:30 pm and a festive late lunch.

    On Friday & Saturday evening we will begin with the evening services, Kiddush, Lchaim's and buffet dinner in the Sukkah followed by Hakafos around 7:30pm. The celebration will continue until around 11:00 pm. Come at ANY TIME

    Spread the word- invite your friends!

    There is no cost official cost to attend. RSVP appreciated.
    $36 suggested donation

    Each dinner/lunch cost between $1000-$1800. If you would like to sponsor or be a co-sponsor for the meals or the Lchaim's please message us at 773-495-7127 or fill out the form below. Thank you!

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    Please make check to Chabad East Lakeview. Address for mail: 615 W. Wellington Ave. Chicago, IL 60657. Zelle: [email protected] Venmo: @ChabadELV (last 4 digits 7127) CashApp: 773.495.7127
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