Scroll down for more info on the club...And CLICK HERE to register now! For more info, call us us at (773) 853-1284 or email [email protected] . The Basics! BMC is a teen club open to all Jewish girls ages 11 to 14 (BOTH pre and post Bat Mitzvah) no matter where or how they plan to celebrate their Bat Mitzvah! Meetings take place one Sunday per month from 2pm-4pm at Chabad, 655 W. Irving Park (see meeting schedule below). Annual membership fee is $225. (You can join BMC at any time! Annual fee may be prorated.) MEETING SCHEDULE FOR 2018-2019: - Sept 16th - Oct. 14th - Nov. 12th - Dec. 9th - January 13th - February 10th - March 10th - April 14th - May 12th
What's the point of a Bat Mitzvah anyway? Are you all caught up with the theme, the clothing and the party favors but clueless about the meaning? Do you think a Bat Mitzvah ends or begins with your party? The Bat Mitzvah Club shows girls that it is so much more... Here girls are inspired to learn, grow, and get involved in their community and Jewish life. This is a club FOR girls, RUN BY girls, and STARRING girls. With the help of an adult facilitator, members help plan and run meetings and activities, share ideas, and express their thoughts on being a young Jewish woman in the modern world. They are EMPOWERED to adopt responsibility, empathy, and conscientiousness for themselves and their community. And of course they get to meet other Jewish girls the same age and have loads of fun! Art projects, culinary adventures, and engaging special activities are just a few examples of all members will experience. Will you fit in? If you like activities, friends, food and conversation, you’re already in! The Bat Mitzvah Club is all about giving girls the best gifts of all—self-confidence, Jewish pride, and lasting friendships. So don’t worry about fitting already do! Share ideas, friendship, and fun! Discuss hot topics. Share your interests, goals, hopes and dreams. Express yourself in your very own club journal. And get to know your Jewish self through art, creative writing and community outreach. The Bat Mitzvah Club shows girls why a Bat Mitzvah is much more than a party! This Year's Theme... This year we're going international! Members will "travel" around the world & through time to explore a variety of Jewish experiences & perspectives! Each month we'll stamp our "passports" with the new place & time we'll visit. Through engaging discussion, hands-on activities, art projects, culinary adventures & lots more, girls will gain a unique understanding of the experiences & challenges faced by other Jews around the world & how we can apply these lessons to our own lives as Bat Mitzvah girls & teens! First stop...France! So what are you waiting for?? Register today!