
Order Lulav & Esrog Set + Schach

  • Order a Lulav & Esrog Set & Schach

  • Chabad of Lakeview will have Lulav & Etrog sets available for sale.

    Order now to reserve your set of the Lulav and Esrog!
     (Includes all the "4 kinds" with assembly)

    $80 for a regular set (from Israel)
    $110 for a Italian set
    $25 per each bundle of green schach (limited supplies)

    Want to make a blessing on your very own Lulav & Etrog this Sukkot? Purchase your own set this year!

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    Please make check to Chabad East Lakeview. Address for mail: 615 W. Wellington Ave. Chicago, IL 60657. Zelle: [email protected] Venmo: @ChabadELV (last 4 digits 7127) CashApp: 773.495.7127
    Billing Address

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